890D.01/12–1345: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

13096. replying to a private motive [notice] question by Eden in Commons this afternoon asking if Foreign Secretary had statement to make on progress of conversations between British and French Govts regarding Syria and Lebanon, Bevin said he was very glad to be able to inform House that agreement had been reached and he thereupon read prepared statement on subject. Following reading of statement Eden asked Foreign Secretary to accept for himself and those who had worked with him congratulations on solution of this vexing problem and added he felt sure it would be applauded by House as removing obstacle between British and their French friends. Eden added no doubt it would also be warmly welcomed by Syria and Lebanon.84

FonOff has furnished Embassy text of Bevin’s statement together with copies of two agreements covering troop withdrawal and general intention of Britain and France regarding Middle East. FonOff said that copies of these documents were being furnished Dept by British Embassy in Washington.

In discussing matter with member of Embassy staff immediately following announcement Baxter, head of Eastern Dept of FonOff, said British were very pleased that agreement had finally been reached and a long standing source of irritation removed. He particularly emphasized importance which British attached to fact that French have not only agreed to evacuate by stages but to do so expeditiously. Baxter said agreements had been signed by Bevin and Massigli here today at 12 o’clock and that he had advised Lebanese and Syrian Ministers of action taken simultaneously with Bevin’s statement in Parliament. He said point to which both Ministers, but particularly Lebanese, had taken exception had been that for regrouping of French forces in Lebanon until arrangements for turning over to UNO had been completed.

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Baxter referred to consultations on this matter with Dept and said that observations of Dept had been used to influence French to accept modification of concluding sentence in paragraph 2 of general agreement concerning affirmation of intention by British and French to do nothing to supplant interests or responsibilities of the other in Middle East while having full regard for political status of countries in question.

Sent to Dept as 13096; repeated to Beirut as 22.

  1. For Mr. Bevin’s statement and Mr. Eden’s question and remarks, see Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons, 5th series, vol. 417, cols. 627, 628.