890D.01/8–2345: Telegram.

The Minister to Syria and Lebanon (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State

265. ReLegtel 258, August 16.59 At small dinner given last evening by Syrian President for Minister Eddy, President and PriMin60 were insistent that time had come for formal declaration of clear undertaking by British and French Governments that their troops be withdrawn: Combatant units “immediately” and administrative services at earliest date consistent with technical considerations, entire operation to be completed within specified time limit.

Sent Department as 265, repeated to Paris as 87 with request to repeat to London, paraphrases to Arab capitals.

  1. Not printed; it gave Mr. Wadsworth’s opinion that the “most promising approach to Franco-Levant settlement might be found in direct representations to Paris and London that time has come for British and French Governments to make joint announcement that their troops will be withdrawn progressively from Levant during next 6 to 8 months.” (890D.01/8–1645)
  2. Sami Solh, who became Lebanese Prime Minister on August 22, 1945.