CFM Files–Lot M88, Box 31

Memorandum by the Soviet Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers 13


The Situation in Greece

Reports received from Greece show that the internal political situation in that country continues to remain extremely tense and fraught with grave consequences both for the Greek people and for the peace and security of the countries which are Greece’s neighbours.

Under the conditions at present prevailing in Greece free democratic elections are impossible. As regards the proposed despatch to Greece of observers of the Allied Powers to supervise the course of the forthcoming elections, obviously, under present conditions in Greece, the observers will not be able to ensure free expression of the popular will at the elections but will merely serve to obscure the abnormal situation created by the present Greek Government’s violation of the Varkisa Agreement of 12th February, 1945, concluded between the Greek Government and representatives of democratic trends of opinion in Greece.

The Soviet Government accordingly consider themselves compelled to declare that they cannot accept any moral responsibility whatsoever for the political situation that has arisen in Greece. In the opinion of the Soviet Government this situation can be met by the immediate adoption of such measures with regard to the composition [Page 157] of the Greek Government as will assure the fulfillment of the Agreement concluded at Varkisa between the representatives of the then Greek Government and representatives of Greek democracy.

  1. This memorandum was presented on the second day of the meeting (September 12). The previous day, at the first meeting of the Foreign Ministers, in a discussion to determine the agenda, the following exchange had taken place (based on the minutes of the United States delegation):

    “Molotov said he would like to add the question of the political situation in Greece.

    “Bevin said he declined to discuss this.

    “Molotov asked if Mr. Bevin was content with the situation in Greece.

    “Bevin pointed out that Mr. Molotov had objected to discussing the situation in Rumania and he found it strange that he proposed to discuss the situation in Greece.

    “Molotov proposed submitting these questions in writing.

    “Bevin rejoined that Greece was an Allied country and he was not prepared to discuss it.

    “Byrnes said he did not think the questions on which papers were to be submitted should be placed on the agenda until the papers had been presented.”

    Although Greece was never put on the agenda, and never formally discussed, there was from time to time occasional passing reference to the Greek political situation in connection with other questions.