
The Acting Secretary of State to the Egyptian Minister (Hassan)

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your note no. 608 of June 1, 1945 transmitting a telegraphic message from Nokrashi [Page 1143] Pasha, Prime Minister of Egypt, regarding recent events in Syria and Lebanon.26

I should be grateful if you would be good enough to convey to the Prime Minister my appreciation of his message and inform him that the Government of the United States is in full agreement that the problem should be settled by peaceful means on a basis of justice and equality. As you are now aware, this Government sought to bring about a cessation of bloodshed and disorder, and it will continue its efforts to the end that a peaceable and satisfactory solution of the problem may be found.

Accept [etc.]

Joseph C. Grew
  1. Note not printed; for text of telegraphic message, see p. 1127.