868.00/9–545: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 5—6:24 a.m.]
3167. Soviet press shows no signs of relaxing its unremitting campaign of attacks against present regime in Greece. Belgrade dispatches published September 1 and 2, reporting “orgy of Monarchist-Fascist terror”, Greek, Macedonia and Yugoslav official complaints concerning alleged Greek-incited incidents on Greek-Yugoslav border,6 are typical of materials which continue to appear in press with monotonous persistence. Trud for September 2 devotes section of editorial article on trade union developments abroad to denunciation of annulment by Greek Government of recent elections to Athenian City Three Union Council. Article maintains that Ergas’7 victory in these elections was authentic reflection of sympathies of Greek working masses, who are being terrorized by Monarchist-Fascist circles.
Sent Department, repeated to Athens 48.