890D.01/5–445: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

2343. Reurtel 1776, April 30. The Department’s views on the French decision to send additional troops to the Levant States by warship were brought forcefully to the attention of Chauvel84 who stated that he was not in a position to give an official reply to my representations as this question would have to be referred to General de [Page 1066] Gaulle. He said that he assumed that I was familiar with the representations made by Duff Cooper in this regard and the reply General de Gaulle had made to him (reour tel 2315 to Department85 and 14 to Beirut). I replied in the affirmative and he said that he believed any reply that might be forthcoming from de Gaulle would be in a similar vein.

Sent Department 2343; repeated to Beirut 15.

  1. Jean Chauvel, Secretary of the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
  2. May 3, p. 1064.