The Secretary of the Treasury (Morgenthau) to the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Soong)65
Dear Mr. Soong: This is to confirm what I told you today. In accordance with your memorandum of May 11,66 the Treasury is prepared [Page 1090] to authorize the shipment of the balance of the $20 million of gold which is on earmark with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the Central Bank of China and to transfer the balance of $180 million to the account of the Central Bank of China with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in three equal monthly installments of $60 million from May to July 1945. The Treasury accepts the schedule of gold shipments contained in your memorandum of May 11, 1945 and is making arrangements with the Army to carry out the shipments of the gold according to that schedule. The preliminary arrangements to ship the requested amount for the month of May have already been made. These steps are being taken in accordance with our Financial Aid Agreement of March 1942 and my letter to Dr. Kung of July 27, 1943.
At this time it seems to me necessary and desirable to point out that the purpose of the $500 million of financial aid to China, and particularly my agreement in July 1943 to ship gold to China, was to assist in an anti-inflationary program which would strengthen confidence in the Chinese Government and its finances and thereby help maintain the Chinese economy. As you know, it is my opinion that the sale of gold by China has not proved effective in combating inflation, and I am doubtful that it will prove effective. Also as I have told you, the manner in which the gold sales have been conducted and the consequent public criticism of them in China are not conducive to achieving the purposes for which our financial aid was granted.
Therefore, I would respectfully ask the Chinese Government to consider carefully the matters proposed to you in my memorandum of May 8, 1945. In particular I would reiterate my suggestion that China constitute a $500 million fund for combating inflation and stabilizing the currency from its foreign exchange assets. I think that this step would be of considerable short and long-run benefit to China and would inspire confidence in the Chinese Government’s handling of its difficult economic situation.
The Treasury has noted with great interest the intention of the Chinese Government, as stated in your memorandum to the Secretary of State, to effectuate reforms relating to financial and economic matters. We think that the carrying out of these reforms will do more to insure confidence among the people and give a measure of stability to the present economic and financial situation than the gold program.
I know that you and your Government will take these friendly suggestions in the spirit in which they are offered. As I told you, we intend to carry out faithfully our financial agreement of 1942. However, the Chinese Government’s response to our proposal to institute [Page 1091] a $500 million fund and her conduct of the gold sales program will be important considerations in our financial relations with China.
This Government has as prime objectives the defeat of Japan and the liberation of China. As an old friend of China, I believe that our faith and confidence in China will be justified.
Very truly yours,