102.1/2–345: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Hurley)
Washington, February 3,
1945—4 p.m.
183. For Adler from the Secretary of the Treasury.
- 1.
- Dr. Kung11 has informed me that U. S. Army obligations incurred in China during the last three months of 1944 totaled CN$8.8 [Page 1058] billion and has requested initiation of negotiations for settlement of this amount. Please consult immediately with General Wedemeyer12 on accuracy of these figures and inform me of any comments which he may wish to make on them or other related matters.
- 2.
- If available, also cable immediately Army estimates of U. S. dollar value of actual goods and services received during this period, together with your comments thereon; if not available, please advise whether General Wedemeyer and yourself feel that settlement for this period should be held up until these figures are obtained.
- 3.
- You are, of course, to keep Ambassador Hurley fully informed of all details of these negotiations. [Morgenthau.]
- H. H. Kung, Vice President of the Executive Yuan, with whom the United States Treasury had recently completed negotiations regarding the U. S. Army’s yuan obligations in China.↩
- Lt. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer, Commanding General, United States Forces in China Theater and Chief of Staff, China Theater.↩