893.00/6–2345: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 23—2:50 p.m.]
1041. Following message contains substance of statements made by General Chu Shao-liang in interview with Ward on June 19:
Sinkiang situation has not materially improved and may deteriorate with melting of snow in mountain passes. No immediate concern is felt for safety of Tihwa. Insurgents northwest of Yenki have been repulsed and that city is safe for present. Kashgar is not now threatened and no further trouble has developed in southern Sinkiang. Due to more careful patrolling of Hami road, no more explosions have occurred along this road for more than a month. However, there has been a constant series of incidents along Outer Mongolia frontier; Tsengjue in northernmost Sinkiang has recently been attacked and fighting has occurred to north of that place; more trouble has been reported north of Tacheng; Chingho, still under Chinese control, is being constantly attacked; Kazak troops from Ining have been operating [Page 1003] in Suilai area; and unless revolt is settled before autumn Chu believes that a grave situation may arise. (Special delegate concurs in above opinion.)
Chu also reported continual alleged Communist propaganda (samples of which he provided Ward) directed against Chinese control of Sinkiang, and said that Sinkiang rebellion represents a Communist effort to take over province. He said that the presence of the eight months old Ining rebel govt was an ever-present incitement to spread of revolt. He implied that China would fight to retain sovereignty over the province, stating, however, that Chinese authorities do not now contemplate use of military force to subdue insurgents. Military effort will be confined to defense of present position. Troops now in Sinkiang which may be needed in operations against Japan will be withdrawn from province as soon as situation permits. He stated that no Lend-Lease materials have been brought into Sinkiang for use against rebels.
Chu expressed belief that settlement of question must be afforded by diplomatic means, and said that Chinese are not at present making efforts to settle problem by local negotiations.