740.0011 P.W./4–845: Telegram
The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 8—12:30 p.m.]
591. Summary of Military Attaché’s report for week ending April 7:
Japanese continued to gain on all sectors of the Hupeh–Honan front. Laohokow airbase fell to the enemy several days ago. Laohokow City was still being defended by the Chinese, but the Japanese were shelling it with field guns preparatory to assault. The Chinese defenders of Nanyang, after having been surrounded for about a week, were said several days ago to be evacuating the city. Now all contact with the defenders has been broken and the city may have fallen. In northwest Honan the Japanese drive toward the important stronghold of Lushih continued to make progress as did the enemy advance up the Han River. Fancheng and Hsiangyang were taken and the Japanese were advancing steadily on Laohokow from the south. Enemy spearheads which originally averaged a thousand troops were reinforced. According to Chinese guerrilla sources, whole units moved forward in many sectors and guerrilla forces were able to occupy several villages behind enemy positions.
Chinese G–2 and other sources indicated Japanese concentrations in the Hengyang–Hsiangtan area. These concentrations indicated a drive on Chikiang, the most easterly 14th Air Force base south of the Yangtze. Enemy troop movements in South China continued, especially along the Kwangtung coast where Japanese garrisons from Swatow to Hong Kong were strengthened. The Japanese defenders of Kanhsien which were said to be surrounded by the Chinese were still holding out, indicating that the Japanese were not prepared to abandon their positions in this area.
Additional Japanese troops were being moved into Indochina, where enemy military activity continued, although no important troop movements were observed along the Yunnan frontier. No unusual enemy strength was reported in the Poseh–Nanning sector of Kwangsi. Speculation in regard to Japanese intentions may be warranted if Japanese troop movements along the China–Indochina frontier during the next 10 days continue to show an appreciable increase.