740.0011 P.W./3–1845: Telegram
The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:40 a.m.]
458. 1. Following is summary of M[ilitary] A[ttaché]’s review for week ending 17:
Jap action in seizing complete control of Indochina by disarming French forces believed to be closely related to other simultaneous enemy moves in South China. Japs have recently abandoned drive toward China coast, withdrawing troops from newly won positions in Kiangsi–Kwangtung, and are now undertaking major redisposition of troops in all South China. Elements of three fourth [34th] Division (formerly in Hengyang area) already identified in Indochina. Thirty thousand enemy troops reported moving into Changsha-Hengyang area from lower Yangtze area and six fourth [64th] Division (near Changsha) said preparing to move southward. Significance of these activities should not be underestimated particularly in view of recent 14th Air Force liaison report that Japs planning shortly to attack Kunming (ReEmb’s 387, March 84). Although [Page 70] still uncertain whether activities in Indochina are prelude to Kunming offensive or merely attempt to reinforce area for use as withdrawal corridor for troops from untenable territories, some enemy attempt to take Kunming seems probable. Reports from Indochina indefinite and unrevealing, but apparently elimination of French forces all but accomplished. One thousand Jap troops plus artillery battalion reported to have crossed China border at Laokay and moved 27 miles along railroad without opposition before withdrawing to Indochina. No other reports of border crossings in direction Kunming.
Enemy continued to strengthen positions along China coast with greatest activity in Wenchow and Swatow. Enemy troops in latter city said to number 50,000 including transients.
Only significant change in air operations was increase in missions to Indochina to support French and Annamite native resistance movements against Japs.
2. According to Chinese G–2, substantial force of New 4th Army recently crossed Yangtze at Chichun (Hupeh), about half way between Hankow and Kiukiang, and are at present combatting Central Government troops to east of Yochow at junction of Hunan–Hupeh–Kiangsi Provinces.
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