740.00119 P. W./8–1145: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State

1331. Perplexed by wording of your 1233, August 10, 7 p.m., received Chungking August 11, 4 p.m., which is as follows: “Agree with proposal in your 1311, August 9, and recommend that it be done”.6

I inquire are you recommending to the President or the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the Generalissimo, or his designated military representative, be invited to be present and participate in receiving the surrender of Japan from the Emperor and the Japanese High Command under the terms of the Potsdam Declaration?

I am reliably advised that Washington has designated an American Admiral and an American General to receive surrender but has not invited the Generalissimo to participate.

I suggest that the staff arrange for the Generalissimo’s participation through General Wedemeyer, who feels that Generalissimo’s representative should be a Chinese.

  1. This sentence comprises the entire telegram. In telegram No. 1237, August 11, noon, to the Ambassador in China, the Secretary of State stated: “We understand that (ReEmbs 1311, August 9, 10 a.m.), as decisions are arrived at, the War Department is sending appropriate instructions to General Wedemeyer in this and related matters.” (740.00119 P. W./8–945) Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer was Commanding General, U. S. Forces in the China Theater and concurrently Chief of Staff of the China Theater.