500.CC/3–245: Telegram
The Chargé in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 2—1:50 p.m.]
346. The bipartisan character of the American delegation to the forthcoming San Francisco Conference has aroused considerable interest in Chinese official and unofficial circles here with the result that it is now reported without confirmation that consideration is being [given] the possible taking of a semblance of similar action by the Chinese Government. It is generally accepted that the Chinese delegation will be headed by T. V. Soong and will include Wellington Koo95 and Victor Hoo.96 It is rumored that Hu Shih97 may also be named as a gesture toward the liberals and that with a view to finding favor with a large section of the American press as well as to offsetting Communist demands for representation, two PPC members may be chosen including Lin Tsu-han,98 the Communists’ usual representative in Chungking.
Among other reports arising from questions having relation to the San Francisco Conference is one that Sun Fo may go to Russia on special mission rather than T. V. Soong. Another is that the Generalissimo has asked the President to meet him before the Conference at some place in Australia.