893.00/10–445: Telegram
The Consul at Kunming (Sprouse) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 4—11:45 a.m.]
222. General Tu Li-min, Commander Central Government Fifth Army, issued proclamation 10 a.m. today lifting martial law and bulletin appeared on streets at noon announcing resumption normal activities during the day from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and institution curfew during the night (sent to the Department as 222, to Chungking as 43).
Six Yunnan leaders representing various civic bodies, such as Chamber of Commerce and Provisional Municipal and Provincial [Page 472] Assemblies, called at the Consulate this morning to ask British Consul and me to call on General Tu and transmit their request for (1) cessation of hostilities and (2) lifting of martial law. They stated petition had been sent to Tu but apparently without effect. They explained that majority of population of city was without food and water and some civilians had been killed. I informed them I would be willing to transmit their request to General Tu on humanitarian basis but that it must not be construed in any way as interference in political questions. They agreed their request solely on that basis as Lung Yun was carrying out Chungking orders and accepting new post. After discussion with British Consul I telephoned General Tu and asked for appointment and for official car to take us to his headquarters. We proceeded as arranged and informed him and staff of our mission, emphasizing that we were merely transmitting request from civic bodies and that we had no desire to interfere in political situation. Tu stated he had just issued a proclamation lifting martial law and conditions would return to normal shortly, atmosphere was cordial during call (Consulate General’s 218, Oct. 3.)
At dusk and midnight yesterday fairly heavy exchange of fire between Fifth Army and Lung’s bodyguards holding hill near Consulate where Provincial Government headquarters located. Lung reliably said to have sent representative to order provincial forces cease fire and obey Central Government orders and according to Fifth Army sources resistance now ended. Only occasional firing heard today and Fifth Army states “racketeers” indulging in sniping will be cleaned out soon. People circulating in most parts of city since noon.