740.0011 PW/3–1745
The Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Rice) to the Chargé in China (Atcheson)64
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch to the Embassy no. 145, March 11, 1945 entitled, “Reported Sending by Teh Wang of Emissaries to Outer Mongolia,” and to report as follows information supplied me by Bishop Thomas Megan in regard to the alleged sending to the Soviet Union of Chinese Communist representatives.
Bishop Megan states that a few days ago he had a conversation with the commander of a Chinese Central Government Guerrilla Second Detachment stationed in the Chungt’iao Mountains of southern Shansi. This commander, he says, admitted that his men do a certain amount of fraternizing with Chinese Communist guerrillas and claimed that they have told his men that since the return to Yenan of Chou En-lai the Yenan authorities have sent emissaries to Moscow. Bishop Megan got the impression that they are supposed to be seeking active help from the Russian Government.
Respectfully yours,
- Copy transmitted to the Department by the Embassy in China on April 26 without covering despatch; received May 9.↩