740.0011 PW/3–1145
The Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Rice) to the Chargé in China (Atcheson)44
Subject: Reported Sending by Teh Wang of Emissaries to Outer Mongolia.
Sir: Reference is made to my despatch to the Embassy no. 100, December 23, 194445 entitled, “Statements of General Liu Chien-hua in regard to the Attitude of Authorities in Inner Mongolia,” and particularly to the portion of that despatch in which that officer was quoted as stating that Teh Wang, Chairman of the Mongol Federated Autonomous Government, wishes to avoid again being subjected to the control of the Chinese Government and that the people of Inner Mongolia would prefer rather to unite with Outer Mongolia.
I am now told by a usually reliable Chinese informant that the First War Zone Headquarters here recently received an intelligence report to the effect that Teh Wang not long ago sent three emissaries—one a Chinese and the other two members of his own Mongol Banner—to Outer Mongolia.
My informant states that he assumes that the action taken by Teh Wang is indication that he has concluded that the Japanese will be defeated, that he does not want to fall under the control of the Chungking authorities and that he is investigating the possibility of making [Page 268] satisfactory arrangements for the unification of Inner and Outer Mongolia.
Respectfully yours,