FE Files, Lot 52–354
Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Chinese Affairs (Chase)
The attached OSS memorandum40 constitutes a comprehensive study of the history and achievements of the New Fourth Army. It derives added value from the fact that, in contrast to the purely hearsay character of previous studies on the subject, it embodies observations of an American Air Force officer who has actually visited the New Fourth Army area.
The following items seem of especial interest:
The Army has increased from 12,000 troops in 1937 to a force of 154,000 regulars and 550,000 militia in 1944, with a claimed administrative [Page 265] control of 30,000,000 people in areas of Kiangsu, Anhwei, Hupei and Honan.
The Army directs its principal attention to the puppet forces, largely because of their usefulness as an easy source for the obtainment of arms. It has been very successful in bringing over large numbers of puppets through capture or through propaganda.
Public officers in the Civil Administrations are elected for one year and there is great popular interest in the elections. The population appears not merely to acquiesce in the Communist administration but to support and participate in it with enthusiasm.
Except for salt the areas are self-supporting.
An annual report of government receipts and expenditures is sent to the Chungking Government, although the latter does not recognize the regime.
The observer stated that he found nowhere any antagonism to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, who continues to be commander in chief of all Chinese armies; Chiang’s picture is to be seen in every Communist headquarters, just as in Nationalist China.
- Not printed.↩