893.00/12–545: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State

4070. Reference Vladivostok’s 117, December 3, noon. Following letter dated December 5 has been sent to Vyshinski: On instructions [apparent garble] your letter of November 1638 in which you stated that, as Soviet troops were being withdrawn from Manchuria, the competent Soviet authorities desired that the American Consul General at Vladivostok, Mr. Clubb, postpone his journey to Manchuria.

Inasmuch as the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Manchuria continually [apparent garble] my Government assumes that the competent Soviet authorities can now have no objection to Mr. Clubb’s making a visit to Manchuria. I shall therefore appreciate the issuance of instructions which will enable Mr. Clubb to commence his travel without further delay.

To Department as 4070; repeated to Vladivostok as 138 and Chungking as 232. Department, please repeat to Tokyo and Seoul.

  1. Text quoted in telegram No. 3888, November 17, 7 p.m., from the Ambassador in the Soviet Union, not printed.