393.115/12–3145: Telegram
The Chargé in China (Robertson) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 2, 1946—10:10 p.m.]
2252. [To Consul General at Tientsin:] Present conditions in Tientsin appear to justify pressure by American military authorities on Japanese Command to effect return to Allied nationals of their household effects confiscated by Japanese and still in Japanese hands. With respect to household effects confiscated by Japanese from Allied nationals and now being used by Marines, solution suggested your airgram No. 6, December 764 seems satisfactory. In recovering effects of Allied nationals, great care should be used to ensure adequate identification of his property by each alleged owner in order to avoid any possible conflict with claims of Chinese citizens, which might easily result in breakdown of whole procedure (Sent Tientsin).
Should it be impossible to work out a course of action locally with the Commanding General, Third Amphibious Corps, Embassy will take up whole problem with Commander, Seventh Fleet.65