393.1163/12–1045: Airgram
The Consul General at Shanghai (Josselyn) to the Chargé in China (Robertson)57
Reference your 166, December 3, 2 p.m.,58 and Department’s 241, December 3, 4 p.m. repeated to you.
Pending the collection of data called for regarding occupation of mission premises, I desire to bring the following cases of occupation by Chinese troops in Shanghai to the urgent attention of the Embassy.
The University of Shanghai, located at Yangtzepoo, Shanghai. Campus occupied an area of 52 acres on which are 35 buildings, and the property is owned by the American Baptist Board of Missions. This property has for several weeks been occupied by about 1,000 troops (Koreans) of the Korean Recovery Army and during the past week, in addition 2,000 or 3,000 Chinese troops belonging to the 14th Division of the New 6th Army have also moved into the premises. These troops are cutting down trees, removing doors, window frames, etc. for firewood and doing considerable other damage to the premises.
The China Bible Seminary, 500 Recreation Road, Kiangwan, Shanghai has been occupied for some time by the 22nd Division of the New 6th Army.
I have made both written and oral representations to General Tang En-po, Commanding General of the Third Direction Army and have received assurances from him that the matter would be attended to, but up to date no remedial action has been taken. In the case of the Shanghai University, it appears that the Chinese expect to use the premises as a staging area since, in addition to the Koreans who have been there for some time, two or three Chinese groups have occupied the campus. The owners of both of these premises are anxious to gain possession of them and to undertake the work of cleaning up and repair which is, of course, impossible at the present time. The shifting of units makes it easy for the local Chinese authorities to avoid responsibility.
[Page 1418]While these are, of course, not isolated cases, they are typical and are the more flagrant because they are located here in Shanghai. I request that the Embassy be good enough to bring this matter to the urgent attention of the appropriate Chinese authorities to the end that effective telegraphic instructions be issued to the local military authorities to vacate and return these premises to the American missionary organizations concerned and to prohibit Chinese and Korean military units from the future occupation of American property.