740.00119 Control (Germany)/5–545: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Caffery)

1869. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have informed us that they agree with General Eisenhower’s proposed delineation of the French zone of occupation in Germany, which would include the bridgehead at Coblentz and the Kreis of Lindau. We feel that it is most important to include Karlsruhe and the War Department is prepared to accept inclusion of Karlsruhe in the French zone if General Eisenhower agrees that this should be done. Please endeavor to reach a satisfactory adjustment of this point. You may then communicate this decision informally to the appropriate French authorities as representing this government’s agreement to cede that portion of its zone of occupation to the French. Winant is being instructed to prepare the protocol of agreement as soon as he hears from you.
