740.00119 EW/12–2445: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

7329. From Angell No. 175. Corrected text of Final Act Reparations Conference will be transmitted today.96 Annex to Final Act includes 8 resolutions signed by some though not all of delegates present. The delegates of the Governments represented on the Control Council for Germany have undertaken to bring these resolutions to the notice of their respective Governments. Resolution 5 covers German assets in the Julian March and the Dodecanese. Resolution was proposed by Yugoslavia and endorsed by UK and Greece.

Yugoslav delegate extremely anxious to have US also endorse this resolution, for reasons of political prestige.

[Page 1488]

In latter part of Conference, Yugoslav delegate worked on extremely amiable terms with us on most matters, was very conciliatory and helpful, and at critical point of final quota discussion made an important address to Conference which may well have prevented wrecking of Conference by Belgian delegate’s disruptive speech (see mytel from Angell No. 17797). I am therefore extremely anxious to assist Yugoslav delegate by endorsing a resolution which, on basis of limited facts available to me here, seems entirely reasonable. If Department will authorize endorsement, please notify me before January 1 to insure inclusion of US endorsement. Final Act and Annex are to be made public January 5. [Angell.]

  1. Text of the Final Act was transmitted to the Department in telegram 7349, December 26, from Paris, not printed.
  2. See telegram 7338, December 24, 6 p.m., from Paris, p. 1489.