740.00119 EW/12–2045: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 21—2:43 p.m.]
1301. Further to my 1078 of November 23.85 Restitution Missions from France and Belgium have now arrived at OMG (US zone) and are actively engaged in identification and removal of looted materials. [Page 1482] More than 100 fine blooded race horses have been returned to France from Bavaria and some special machinery needed for processing rubber products has been returned to Belgium. Two thousand tons of various industrial and raw materials have been shipped from Bremen to the Netherlands and approximately 10,000 tons have been located and are awaiting transportation from that port.
Invitations to send Missions have been issued to Poland, Norway and Luxembourg since my previous telegram. The head of the Czech Restitution Mission is now en route from Praha to Frankfurt.
The procedures and general arrangements appear to be functioning smoothly and the Missions which have arrived have expressed their satisfaction as regards assistance which they are given. It is to be expected, however, that the transportation of materials will become increasingly difficult throughout the winter months, especially as regards Czech and Polish properties. Shortages of rolling stock and coal will make rail transport difficult except for the most urgently needed materials. Difficulties are already being encountered because of winter weather. Visits of Mission to identify and take charge of properties are hampered by snow on roads and premises on which property is located, especially plants which are not in operation and which contain looted machines and equipment.
With reference to my 1079 of November 23,86 no replies have been received from our Missions located at Paris, Luxembourg and Athens nor have I received any lists of property for the three countries to which these Missions are accredited. (Lists have been received as indicated in my 1078.) Copenhagen and Moscow reported on 26 November that no lists of property had been submitted. Lists have been received from Brussels, Praha, Belgrade and Oslo. The Dept should note that once the Restitution Missions arrive at Frankfurt, subsequent lists are being submitted through these Missions directly from the govts concerned. Unless the Dept considers it desirable, I do not plan to make any representations as regards this procedure inasmuch as the handling of claims is facilitated thereby.87 With reference to Luxembourg and France, no additional inquiries regarding lists are being made. As regards Greece, however, our 1079 has been repeated via the Dept in addition to regular servicing direct to Athens. If Dept has information on Greek lists, we would appreciate being advised. This telegram being repeated to Vienna for AusPolAd’s88 information. I suggest that similar communications between Vienna and the Dept be repeated here for my information.
[Page 1483]Sent to Dept as 1301; repeated to Vienna as 45 and to Paris for Angell as 180, to Warsaw as 117, to Praha as 80 and to Athens as 3.
- Not printed; in this telegram Mr. Murphy reported that only Poland had responded to the Department’s circular note of September 20 by submitting a list of looted property which it desired restituted (740.00119 EW/11–2345).↩
- Not printed.↩
- The Department approved Mr. Murphy’s suggestion in telegram 49, January 7, 1946, 8 p.m., to Berlin (740.00119 EW/12–2045).↩
- United States Political Adviser on Austrian Affairs, John G. Erhardt.↩