740.00119 Council/1–346

Memorandum by the United Kingdom Delegation at the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers69

Tripartite Commission for Iranian Affairs

The Governments of Great Britain, U.S.S.R., and U.S.A. have agreed on the formation of a Tripartite Commission for Iranian questions, and are submitting this agreement to the Iranian Government for their concurrence.

The terms of reference are as follows:

The Commission shall take as its point of departure the fact that during the presence in Persia of Allied troops the Persian economy and governmental organisation have been disturbed and difficulties have arisen between the central government and the inhabitants of certain provinces. The Three Powers recognise that they may have some responsibility for this and should, therefore, endeavour to assist the Persian state in re-establishing normal conditions to the satisfaction of all elements of the population and maintaining friendly relations with other countries.
With a view to removing the apprehensions of the Iranian Government and causes of international friction, the Commission shall deal with the question of the acceleration of the withdrawal of Allied [Page 780] troops from Iran, which is due to be completed by March 2nd, 1946, at latest, and to make appropriate recommendations to the Governments of the Three Powers.
The Commission shall keep in mind (a) the undertaking given by Great Britain and Soviet Russia in the Treaty of January, 1942, to respect the political independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Persia; and (b) the declaration about Persia issued during the Tehran Conference by President Roosevelt, Generalissimo Stalin and Mr. Churchill.
With a view to reconciling the existing differences between the central Persian Government and certain provinces of the country, the Commission shall advise and assist the Persian Government in the establishment of provincial councils, in accordance with the provisions of the Persian constitution.
The Recommendations of the Commission (which must receive the approval of the Three Governments before being submitted to the Persian Government) shall cover the whole of Persia including Azerbaijan.
Existing laws amplifying the relevant provisions of the constitution (with respect to provincial councils) shall be taken as the point of departure but the Commission shall recommend any amendments which seem to be required especially in regard to the elections to the local councils, the powers and duties of the councils and the manner in which they are to be furnished with funds.
The Commission shall also make recommendations as to the use of the minority languages such as Arabic, Turki and Kurdish for educational and other purposes.
The Commission shall consult closely with the Persian Government and with representatives of all important elements of the population in the process of formulating its recommendations.
The Three Powers shall use their best endeavours to persuade the Persian Government to pass into law and to put into execution the recommendations made by the Commission.
The Commission shall make no recommendation which would weaken the fundamental unity of the Persian State.
The first provincial elections shall be carried out under the supervision of the Commission.

  1. According to despatch 2337, January 3, 1946, from Moscow (740.00119–Coiuicil/1–346), which transmitted to the Department certain documents and records relating to the discussions of the Iranian question at the Conference, this particular British memorandum as formally submitted to the Conference was used as a basis of discussion at the Informal Meeting of December 25, 5:15 p.m.; it incorporated certain Soviet suggestions and a number of British changes of their memorandum of December 24 on Iran, which is included as enclosure 3 to the United States delegation minutes of the Informal Meeting of December 24, 3:15 p.m., pp. 761, 771.