501.PA/11–845: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

9811. For MacLeish., ReEmbtel 1161 [11611], November 5, midnight. Dept thinks your proposal of conference to consider educational and cultural problems of non-self-governing territories excellent for future when UNESCO is definitely established and when political affairs in colonial areas have sufficiently quieted down so that such a conference could actually devote its attention to education and culture without fear of diversion to political questions.

This govt cannot propose such a conference at present without creating suspicion on part of colonial governments that our real purpose is to encourage political agitation. Such a suspicion would make difficult our cooperation with those governments not only in day by day political relations involving colonies but in work of UNESCO itself. It might hamper negotiations of trusteeship agreements and establishment of trusteeship system;;

If proposal for conference on education and culture in non-self-governing areas is made by any other delegation, you may support it on understanding that it will not take place until after establishment of UNESCO and that its terms of reference shall be carefully defined.
