The Soviet Ambassador (Gromyko) to the Secretary of State
Excellency: I have the honor to bring to your attention that when the question on the organization of the work of the Jurists’ Committee was under consideration the Soviet Government set forth a proposal to elect four chairmen from representatives of the four nations27 in whose name invitations to the Conference and to the meetings of the Jurists’ Committee were sent out.28 The proposal of the Soviet Government was based on the principle of equality of position of the four nations. This proposal, however, was not accepted.29
The Soviet Government considers such a decision wrong and expresses its disagreement with the decision as it violates the principal of equality of position of the four nations, in whose name invitations to the Conference were sent out to other governments.
Accept [etc.]
- See memorandum of conversation, by Mr. Leo Pasvolsky, April 9, p. 214.↩
- For text of invitation to the conference of the United Nations at San Francisco, see telegram 1409, February 23, midnight, to London, p. 89; for text of invitation to the meeting of the United Nations Committee of Jurists at Washington, see circular telegram of March 24, midnight, p. 154.↩
- Jurist 11, G/8, April 9, revised as Jurist 36(11), G/26, April 13, UNCIO Documents, vol. 14, pp. 42 and 52.↩