740.00119 (Potsdam)/7–3145

No. 934
United States Delegation Working Paper1


The value of the industrial and agricultural resources (factory equipment, agricultural equipment and timber) in East Prussia in 1941, was estimated at approximately four billion RM. The value of real estate was estimated to be 1,282,000,000 RM., making a total of 5,282,000,000 RM.

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The area north of the Goldap–Braunsberg line comprises forty percent (40%) of the population.

It has a large hog and dairy industry. Its three largest cities have machine, leather, textile, food processing and shipbuilding plants. It is estimated that two-thirds of the industrial and agricultural resources of the province, valued at approximately 2,600,000,000 RM lie in this section.

Converted into Dollars at the 1938 legal rate of exchange (2.5 RM to the Dollar), the value of the industrial, forestry, and agricultural resources, omitting real estate, in the area to be ceded to the U. S. S. R. approximates slightly more than One Billion Dollars. At the rate proposed by the U. S. S. R. in its “Plan” of July 23rd,2 that is, 3.5 RM to the Dollar, the value of these resources would be approximately $750,000,000.

  1. Another copy of this paper (file No. 740.00119 Potsdam/8–245) is headed: “Statistics by Lubin”.
  2. See document No. 920.