740.00119 Potsdam/7–3045
No. 1428
Text Submitted by the Soviet
Draft Entry for the Protocol
Regarding the Extension of the Authority of the Provisional Austrian Government to the English and American Zones of Occupation in Austria
The Conference has examined a proposal of the Soviet delegation regarding the extension of the authority of the Provisional Austrian Government to the English and American zones of occupation in Austria.2
The Conference has agreed that such an undertaking is expedient and the English and American Delegations have stated that they are prepared to examine this question after the entry of their forces into the City of Vienna.
Cf. document No. 1427. Cf. also the following text submitted by the Soviet Delegation (file No. 740.00119 Potsdam/7–3045):
“The Conference examined a proposal of the Soviet Delegation concerning the extension of the authority of the Provisional Austrian Government to all of Austria. The Conference agreed on the desirability of such action and the English and American Delegations declare that their Governments are ready to examine this question after the entry of their forces into the City of Vienna.”
For the final text on this subject, as included in the Protocol, see document No. 1383, section viii (vii).
↩- See ante, p. 311.↩