740.00119 Potsdam/7–1545
No. 1021
United States Delegation Working
Separation of the Ruhr and Rhineland From Germany
A primary objective of our three Governments is to prevent Germany from ever again embarking on a War of Aggression. All present and intended measures of military and industrial disarmament do not of themselves constitute a certain guarantee to this end. Even a truncated Germany2 will retain her war making potential if the Ruhr3 and Rhineland are permitted to remain under German authority. Without this area, Germany is incapable of waging a major war. I therefore propose that we here determine:—
- 1.
- That the Ruhr and Rhineland be permanently detached from the remainder of Germany.
- 2.
- That prior to conclusion of the period of military occupation a separate international protectorate comprising this area be created.
- 3.
- That this international protectorate be placed under the authority of the Security Council of the United Nations Organization.
- 4.
- That we recommend that the Security Council designate Belgium, France and the Netherlands to administer this international protectorate on its behalf and in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the Security Council.
- 5.
- That we recommend [to] the Security Council that in [sic] the administration of this
international protectorate shall be carried out in such a
manner as to:
- (a)
- make available the economic resources and production of the protectorate for the benefit of European economy as a whole without discrimination against European or non-European countries.
- (b)
- to afford to the inhabitants of the protectorate so far as consistent with the basic purposes of the protectorate the maximum degree of local self-government.
- Authorship not indicated. The copy of this paper in the Truman Papers bears the following manuscript notation by Truman: “Not presented but discussed[.] Decided that they should remain in Germany[.]”↩
- In a later version of this paper (file No. 740.00119 Potsdam/7–1545), this passage reads: “Even a Germany reduced in size”.↩
- For a map of the Ruhr, see the map facing p. 926, ante.↩