Leahy Papers: Telegram
No. 91
The Assistant Chief of Staff, Supply Division, Supreme
Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (Crawford) to the Commanding
General, United States Military Mission in the Soviet Union
operational priority
S–92697 to Military Mission Moscow for Deane repeated for information to AGWar for Marshall’s eyes only from SHAEF Main from Crawford signed Tedder cite Shgds. Top secret.
Parks returned this afternoon. Crown Prince Palace Potsdam lends itself admirably for neutral meeting place. The residential section Babelsberg fronting on Griebnitz Sea has been evacuated of Germans and being renovated by Soviets for billeting conferees.
Three compounds therein have been laid out in which each nation will have absolute rights and responsibility as to security, messes, etc. About 70 residences in US compound.
Parks inspected one which Colonel General Kruglov suggests for the President. It is spacious, although old fashioned, and is believed adequate. Compound will house about 500 with some expansion possible by tentage. Space for Service Units, Press Camp, and overflow needed elsewhere, and can be found in Zehlendorf, a district in Berlin in US sector of Tripartite Division.
Parks cordially received by Colonel General Kruglov and every facility and request granted within his power.
Following matters beyond his authority need favorable action at once:
- a.
- Authority to reconnoiter vicinity Zehlendorf for additional camp sites and billets.
- b.
- Authority to operate supply vehicles over Halle–Berlin Autobahn without special permission in each case.
- This to be in addition to vehicles now in Babelsberg, for which authority to operate over that route was given by Marshal Zhukov’s Chief of Staff today.
- c.
- Authority to increase size of Parks’ party now at Babelsberg as deemed advisable by this headquarters without further reference to Soviet authorities. This must be expedited as Signal Technicians, including Major General Stoner who was sent by War Department especially for conference installations, should go to Babelsberg for survey not later than 25th June.
Stoner considers proposed site favorable for establishing satisfactory signal communications.