
No. 267
The British Embassy to the Department of State



It appears to His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom that the recognition of the Provisional Polish Government of National Unity by His Majesty’s Government, the United States Government1 and the French Provisional Government should permit the early resumption of the Soviet Government’s participation in the European Inland Transport Conference.2

His Majesty’s Government propose that they, as the Host Government of the European Inland Transport Conference, should immediately inform the Soviet Government that in their view it is urgent that the Lancaster House Conference should now resume and complete its work as soon as possible. The communication to the Soviet Government would go on to say that His Majesty’s Government are disposed at once to invite the Provisional Polish Government to appoint a delegation to the Conference but before doing so they would welcome an assurance that the Soviet Delegation, which is still in London, will receive instructions to resume full participation in the work of the Conference as soon as the Polish Delegation is ready to take part.
His Majesty’s Embassy is instructed to add that His Majesty’s Government had considered also inviting the Danish and Turkish Governments, as members of the Emergency Economic Committee, Europe, and of the European Coal Organisation, to send delegations [Page 333] to the reconvened Conference, but if the United States Government think that to invite either or both might entail still further delays, consideration of whether or not to invite them might be left until the Conference meets and is in a position itself to consider the question.
His Majesty’s Government assume that the United States Government agree that the Provisional Organisation for European Inland Transport should continue its activities until the European Central Inland Transport Organisation proper comes into being.
A similar communication is being made to the French Provisional Government.
  1. See document No. 501.
  2. See Participation of the United States Government in International Conferences, July 1, 1941–June 30, 1945 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1947; Department of State publication No. 2665), p. 138.