740.00119 Control (Germany)/7–545: Telegram

No. 265
The Political Adviser in Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State

108. Reference my 73, June 29, 6 p.m.1 Dept will wish to look at Scaf 471, July 3 to CCS,2 concerning problems involved in reopening [Page 329] Danube waterway and disposition of river shipping now in American hands. Message recommends that policy in this connection be directed toward reestablishment of international character of the river and that as initial step there be set up an interim Danubian navigation agency. Message was coordinated with reparations commission representative here and information copy repeated to military mission Moscow for Ambassador Pauley.

At same time SHAEF issued instructions that reply sent to Marshal Tolbukhin’s inquiry regarding Danubian fleet point out that subject of restitution of Allied nations property capture[d] within Germany or Austria was matter now under consideration by the governments, that survey was being made of all craft under Allied control and that SCAEF was recommending earliest possible use of this craft for mutual Allied benefit.

Repeated to Moscow as 10 and to Caserta for Erhardt as 4.

  1. Not printed.
  2. See vol. ii, document No. 754, enclosure B.