J. C. S. Files
No. 100
The Acting Head of the British Joint Staff
Mission (Colyer) to the
President’s Chief of Staff (Leahy)
My Dear Admiral, In a letter dated 15th June1 you communicated to Field Marshal Wilson the views of the United States Chiefs of Staff on the next meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff. You explained that you all felt it inadvisable for the Combined Chiefs of Staff to meet in London prior to the meeting of the Heads of State but said that you would be quite agreeable to stop there after the completion of Terminal if at that time a meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff appeared to be required.
In the absence of the Field Marshal I am now writing to tell you a reply to the above has come in from London in which the British Chiefs of Staff make it clear that they have dropped the idea of a meeting in London and would like to suggest, with the Prime Minister’s approval, that the Combined Chiefs of Staff hold their next meeting during the conference of the three Heads of State at Terminal. They propose to arrive at Terminal 15th July and hope that the United States Chiefs of Staff will also be arriving at the same time.
The Field Marshal has gone away on tour for four days. I should be glad therefore if you would let me know whether the above proposal is agreeable to the United States Chiefs of Staff.
Yours sincerely,