33. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Administration (Russell) to Secretary of State Byrnes0

The Secretary:

The directive of September 20, 1945 from the President to you to take the lead in developing a coordinated foreign intelligence program for all federal agencies concerned therewith went to Colonel McCormack for action.

A few days ago I set to Colonel McCormack for his consideration, in connection with his recommendations to be submitted to you in compliance with the President’s directive, a copy of the suggested order that I gave you on this subject sometime ago.1 I have heard nothing more from Colonel McCormack on this subject.

While the ideas expressed in the memorandum of Admiral King2 would be satisfied by the order I gave you, I believe that this subject should be discussed by you with Colonel McCormack. May I request that if you have such a conference, no reference be made to the fact that I have heretofore submitted to you this proposed order.

I am returning herewith the file that you sent me.3

Donald Russell
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Records of the Department of State, Decimal File 1945–49, 101.5/10–1345. No classification marking.
  2. Document 31 and footnote 2, thereto.
  3. Enclosure 2 to Document 27.
  4. The October 13 memorandum from Forrestal and its enclosures, Document 27.