263. Office of Special Operations Directive No. 18/50


1. Authorization

In accordance with the authorization contained in the memorandum for the Assistant Director for Special Operations from the Director of Central Intelligence, dated 22 March 1948, Subject: “Additional Functions of the Office of Special Operations,”1 the “Special Procedures Group,” as activated 1 January 1948 under the name “Special Procedures Branch,” is confirmed effective 22 March 1948.

2. Functions

The basic function of Special Procedures Group will be to engage in covert psychological operations outside the United States and its possessions, [Page 656] for the purpose of (1) undermining the strength of foreign instrumentalities, whether government, organizations, or individuals, which are engaged in activities inimical to the United States, and (2) to support United States’ foreign policy by influencing public opinion abroad in a direction favorable to the attainment of United States’ objectives.

3. Definition of Covert Psychological Operations

As used herein and as conducted within the Office of Special Operations, covert psychological operations may include all measures of information and persuasion short of physical in which the originating role of the United States Government will always be kept concealed.

4. Chief of Special Procedures Group

In accordance with directives and policies of the Assistant Director for Special Operations, the Chief of Special Procedures Group shall exercise direction over all covert psychological operations outside the United States and its possessions. In carrying out this responsibility, he will:

Act as adviser to the Assistant Director relative to covert psychological operations and submit to him, for approval, specific directives on covert psychological operations for field implementation through the facilities of the Chief of Operations.
As directed by the Assistant Director, make recommendations for the final approval of all proposed covert psychological operations from the standpoint of their conformity to United States’ foreign policy, suitability of general program content and objectives, and the commitment of funds.
Exercise direct control and supervision over all personnel and functions of the Washington office of Special Procedures Group.
Exercise general program and technical direction over all field representatives engaged in covert psychological operations, coordinating closely with the Chief of Operations who will exercise operational field control over such representatives.
Maintain close planning and operational liaison with the Chief of Operations in connection with plans, directives, and other matters relating to covert psychological operations which require implementation through the facilities and resources of the Chief of Operations.
Provide for the development of program plans to implement policies and directives applicable to the activities of Special Procedures Group.
Provide for all necessary operational action, including the preparation of detailed operational directives, required for the execution of approved program plans and projects developed by or delegated to Special Procedures Group.
Establish a project control over all field operations involving covert psychological operations.
Maintain, as directed by the Assistant Director, such liaison with the Department of State, or other authority charged with formulation of foreign policy, as may be necessary to obtain guidance on United States’ foreign policy and objectives, as they affect the operations of Special Procedures Group.
Issue, with the approval of the Assistant Director, directives defining the editorial and political policies to be followed in conducting covert psychological operations in the field.
Establish, for approval of the Assistant Director and on the basis of United States’ foreign policy and aims, the basic program objectives and targets for covert psychological operations.
In accordance with liaison requirements and procedures of Budget and Liaison Control, establish and control authorized liaison of Special Procedures Group with other elements of Office of Special Operations, Offices of the Central Intelligence Agency, and other United States Departments and Agencies which provide for direct liaison on secret operational matters.
Develop and maintain, as directed by the Assistant Director, such liaison with private individuals, organizations, or institutions in the United States as may be necessary to the effective conduct of covert psychological operations abroad, keeping Budget and Liaison Control generally informed of such liaison.
Insure that operations of Special Procedures Group do not conflict with or overlap the open foreign informational activities of the Department of State and, to that end, effect such liaison and coordination with the Department of State as may be directed by the Assistant Director.
Coordinate with the Chief of Administrative Services to insure full support of operations of Special Procedures Group by Office of Special Operations administrative and supporting services.
Insure adequate training for all personnel engaged in covert psychological operations, using for such purpose the facilities of the Training Staff of Office of Special Operations and, with practical limits, making available to the Training Staff, for lecture and other instruction in covert psychological operations, experienced personnel of Special Procedures Group.
Provide for the conduct of inspections of local activities of his office and, when directed by the Assistant Director, of overseas operational activities involving covert psychological operations, effecting the necessary coordination with the Chief of Operations.
For the purpose of insuring proper policy and program coordination in the field, take appropriate measures in coordination with the Chief of Operations and through his field facilities, for keeping the chief diplomatic representative in an area or the Chief United States Commanding Officer in an occupied zone generally informed of covert psychological operations.

5. Deputy Chief

Acts for the Chief of Special Procedures Group in his absence.
Performs such duties as may be assigned by the Chief.
Maintains over-all supervision of the activities of Special Procedures Group to insure the proper execution of directives and policies relating to Special Procedures operations.

6. Chief of Plans Section

As directed by the Chief of Special Procedures Group, the Chief of the Plans Section:


In General

Shall be responsible for defining the program objectives of covert psychological operations, developing programs in line with such objectives and preparing directives defining the editorial and political policy to be followed in the conduct of field operations.

In Particular
Shall, on the basis of United States’ foreign policy and foreign objectives of the Central Intelligence Agency, define and currently maintain the basic program objectives and targets for covert psychological operations and prepare, as required, field directives defining such objectives and targets.
Shall, on the basis of United States’ foreign policy and aims, prepare field directives defining the editorial and political policy, theme, and general line to be followed in the conduct of covert psychological operations, insuring that such directives are consistent with United States’ foreign policy as it affects covert psychological operations.
Shall initiate and develop, as directed by the Chief, Special Procedures Group, programs, themes, and ideas for covert psychological operations in the field.
Shall, as a basis for evaluating and countering foreign propaganda or other psychological activity directed against the United States, conduct a continuing selective analysis of foreign news and other informational sources, including pertinent intelligence collected by Central Intelligence Agency and other informational materials available to Central Intelligence Agency.
Shall conduct, for the purpose of developing background data and information for covert psychological operations, research relating to [Page 659] foreign news and events, international propaganda and the psychological and political character of operational targets, including individuals, groups, and organizations.
Shall initiate or develop, in response to requests from authorized sources, editorial production, in complete or substantive form, for transmission to overseas stations for operational use.
Shall analyze and evaluate, to the extent practicable, the results of covert psychological field operations in terms of their propaganda or psychological effectiveness.
Shall assist in the training of personnel engaged in covert psychological operations, insofar as training relates to the functions of the Plans Section.

7. Chief, Operations Section

As directed by the Chief of Special Procedures Group, the Chief of the Operations Section:


In General

Shall be responsible to the Chief of Special Procedures Group for the operational aspects of covert psychological operations and assure proper coordination between Chief of Operations, Office of Special Operations, and Special Procedures Group in the field implementation of policies and programs relating to covert psychological operations.


In Particular

In carrying out these general responsibilities, the Chief of the Operations Section:

Shall prepare detailed plans and instructions and take any other necessary, authorized action to implement basic policies, programs and directives received from the Chief of Special Procedures Group.
Shall establish a project control over all approved covert psychological operations to provide for the controlled expenditure and proper accounting of funds used for covert psychological operation and a constant review of authorized projects, including assignments, progress, cost and effectiveness of agents and informers used in covert psychological operations.
Shall inform the Chief, Administration and Services, Office of Special Operations, of operational plans and insure adequate joint planning with interested elements of his offices to support the implementation of such plans.
Shall assist in the training of personnel engaged in covert psychological operations insofar as such training relates to the functions of the Operations Section, Special Procedures Group.
Shall coordinate with the Training Branch and the Personnel Division, Office of Special Operations, the training of new staff [Page 660] employees, advising both of the detailed training requirements of Special Procedures Group.
Shall keep Budget and Liaison Control generally informed of liaison with private individuals, organizations, or institutions in the United States, as referred to in c.(2)(j) below.


Liaison Responsibilities

The Chief, Operations Section, will conduct liaison and coordinate with the Chief of Operations, Office of Special Operations, on covert psychological matters requiring field implementation through facilities and resources of his office for the following purposes:

In the field implementation of covert psychological operations, to make available to the Chief of Operations, Office of Special Operations, any required information, data, facilities, or other services at the disposal of Special Procedures Group.
Within limits approved by the Chief of Operations, Office of Special Operations, to consult with operating elements of his office concerning operational possibilities for covert psychological operations, and the acquisition of operational information required by Special Procedures Group in the planning of such operations.
To insure that proposed plans and projects of Special Procedures Group are operationally practicable from the standpoint of field capabilities and conditions.

Specifically, the purpose of such liaison will be to effect, in accordance with arrangements approved by the Chief of Operations, coordination with the Deputy Chief of Operations for Counter Espionage, the Deputy Chief of Operations for Plans and Projects, and appropriate Foreign Branch Chiefs, on the following matters relating to covert psychological operations of Special Operations.

Development of agent cover and related possibilities in connection with planned covert psychological operations.
Objectives, recruiting, engagement, and training of covert personnel who will engage in covert psychological operations.
Briefing, assignment, and movement of covert psychological operations. Such personnel will not be reassigned, transferred, or moved in any manner inconsistent with their current assignments, without prior approval of the Assistant Director for Special Operations, except where emergency conditions justify independent action in the field.
Obtaining operational information and data for field directives and for the development of methods, techniques, and plans for use in connection with approved or planned covert psychological operations.
Providing guidance and assistance to field representatives engaged in covert psychological operations, including useful background information, comments, and criticisms on methods and sources and technical advice.
Obtaining reports from the field on the progress, results, and status of covert psychological objectives.
Establishing the program objectives and targets for covert psychological operations.
Following up action taken by the field on directives pertaining to covert psychological operations.
Developing long-range plans and projects for covert psychological operations.
Employment, on a covert basis, of individuals in the United States, including American citizens and foreign nationals, for information and other operational services in connection with current or planned covert psychological operations overseas.
Security investigations of all personnel of Special Procedures Group other than the staff to be used in the Washington office.

8. S.O. Directive No. 18/5 (Interim), dated 24 February 1948,2 is rescinded and superseded by this Directive.

Donald H. Galloway

Assistant Director
Special Operations
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency Historical Files, HS/CSG-2154, Job 83–00739R, Box 3, Folder 19. Top Secret.
  2. Not found. A draft of this memorandum, dated February 26, is in Central Intelligence Agency Records, Job 83–00036, Box 9, Folder 16.
  3. Document 260.