233. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant (Steelman) to President Truman0

The Congressional Record for April 21, Pages 4836–7 contains a thirty minute speech by Congressman Devitt of Wisconsin on “We must create a joint committee on intelligence.”

Mr. Devitt is very critical of the Central Intelligence Agency. He advocates a concurrent resolution proposing that 18 Members constitute a committee which would constantly study and evaluate the operations of all Government intelligence services.

At the close of the speech he stated as follows:

“I have spoken informally with Admiral Hillenkoetter, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, of my intention to introduce this resolution today, and he has expressed his approbation of it. He told me that while he believes there is much merit to the independent position of his agency in the field of government, he feels somewhat at a loss for the lack of some specific committee of the Congress to whom he can turn for confidential guidance and counsel and to whom he can resort for needed changes in the legislative operations of his agency.”

Perhaps someone should have a talk with Admiral Hillenkoetter about this matter.

  1. Source: Truman Library, Papers of Harry S. Truman, President’s Secretary’s Files. No classification marking.