120. Letter From the National Intelligence Authority to Attorney General Clark0

Dear Mr. Attorney General: Pursuant to authority contained in the President’s directive of 22 January 1946,1 the National Intelligence Authority has directed the Central Intelligence Group to assume, by June 30, 1947, the intelligence coverage in Latin America that is now performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Director of Central Intelligence, by letter dated 3 July 1946,2 concurred in the offer of the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to withdraw from Latin America provided Mr. Hoover was willing to postpone withdrawal until the Central Intelligence Group is adequately organized and staffed to arrange an orderly transfer with a minimum of interruption.

However, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has notified the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Group that its representatives will be withdrawn [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] by August 16, 1946. The Department of State has also received intimations that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is preparing to withdraw its representatives from the other Latin American countries prior to the time that the Central Intelligence Group will be able to replace them.

The attached tentative schedule3 indicating the dates by which the Central Intelligence Group is prepared to assume intelligence responsibility [Page 291] in the various countries of Latin America has today been furnished the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It is requested that the Federal Bureau of Investigation be instructed to retain its present personnel in the Latin American countries to which presently assigned until the Central Intelligence Group is able to assume responsibility. After the arrival of the representatives of the Central Intelligence Group, the Federal Bureau of Investigation staff must remain for an adequate period in order that the new organization can profit by the Bureau’s experience in each country and in order that continuity of operation may be assured.

The Department of State is at present processing the papers of a C.I.G. representative who is now available to replace the F.B.I. man in [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] all other instances, it is imperative that no withdrawals be made until the C.I.G. has an opportunity to satisfactorily install their personnel.

We are certain that you appreciate the wisdom of this course of action and feel certain that it meets with the desire of the President of the United States.

The National Intelligence Authority:4
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency Records, Job 83–00764R, Box 1, Folder 5. Secret. According to Wright’s August 8 memorandum (Document 122) the letter was drafted by the Central Intelligence Group.
  2. Document 71.
  3. Document 113.
  4. Not printed; see the Supplement.
  5. Printed from a copy that indicates the original was signed by Acheson, Patterson, Acting Secretary Sullivan, and Admiral Leahy.