837.61351/7–1744: Airgram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Braden)
A–1195. Reference to the negotiations for the purchase of the 1945 and 1946 Cuban sugar crops. The War Food Administration has now informed the Department that it desires that the sugar negotiations be initiated in ample time to enable the Cuban producers to realize that in the event of satisfactory agreement on terms, there will be an assured market for a substantial part of their production during the next two years. They believe that this might encourage plantings so that in 1946 additional supplies, if needed, will be available from the Caribbean area.
Early in May of this year Mr. Earl B. Wilson, Director of the Sugar Division, Commodity Credit Corporation, was in Habana and discussed with members of the Embassy staff and with representatives of the Cuban Stabilization Institute the possibility of the early [Page 939] initiation of discussions in Washington for the purpose of completing a purchase and sale of the 1945 and 1946 crops. In view of the then pending elections, both the Embassy and the Institute doubted that a commission could be appointed to meet in Washington before midsummer. The War Food Administration feels that further delays will be unfortunate, and you are instructed, in your discretion, to extend an invitation to Cuba to send a commission to Washington so that negotiations can be commenced about August 15.
The negotiations will relate to the 1945 and 1946 Cuban sugar crops and include as well blackstrap, and possibly invert molasses and alcohol. Full details of requirements regarding blackstrap, invert molasses and alcohol have not been determined as yet, including the question of length of desirable procurement commitment.