Memorandum of Conversation, by the Deputy Director of the Office of American Republic Affairs (Bonsal)
This memorandum should be read in conjunction with the memorandum of Mr. Bonsal’s conversation of the same date with the Cuban Ambassador.94 Following the conversation reported in that memorandum, Mr. Bonsal accompanied the Cuban Ambassador to Mr. Stettinius’ Office.
The Under Secretary of State spoke most emphatically to the Ambassador regarding our vital need for molasses and industrial alcohol for war purposes including the production of synthetic rubber. In the course of the conversation the Under Secretary telephoned Justice Byrnes and secured the latter’s hearty endorsement of all of his remarks as to the really critical situation with which we are confronted.
The Ambassador was apparently much impressed and said that he would immediately telephone President Batista and enlist the latter’s cooperation in prompt and favorable settlement of the negotiations.
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