821.76/9–244: Telegram

The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State

1527. In attention to further representations made by the Embassy as a result of Deptel 1032, August 25, Colombian communications authorities propose to change Cúcuta station to another frequency and to move the frequency of the Cali station to 4827 kilocycles. The latter would develop interference with Venezuelan stations which Colombian authorities agree to work out locally. FCC suggestion to limit operations to daytime is not considered practical as both the Cúcuta and Cali stations operate principally at night. Please telegraph whether the above proposal is acceptable.30 In the affirmative Colombian authorities indicate the interference could be eliminated immediately providing a new crystal could be shipped promptly by air express for the Cúcuta station.

  1. In telegram 1083, September 8, 1944, 4 p.m., the Department indicated that there was no objection (821.76/9–244).