Memorandum by the Acting Director of the Office of American Republic Affairs (McGurk)
Attached are letters drafted for the Secretary’s signature to War and Navy12 setting forth the Department’s interest for reasons of foreign policy in allocations of material destined for the armed forces of other American republics, and a memorandum13 for the President on the subject.
The belief that these letters are necessary for purposes of clarification arose out of discussions over the request for dive bombers for Peru, and specifically out of the categorical statement of Rear Admiral W. O. Spears to officers of the Department that the policy statement on procurement of material for other American republics gives the Army and Navy control over allocation to those republics under Lend-Lease credit, the State Department having a say only in connection with assignments of munitions of war for cash to countries other than Brazil and Mexico. A recent despatch from Ambassador Briggs in Ciudad Trujillo (no. 164, July 28, copy attached),14 which expresses precisely the same position as is taken in the underlying letters, confirms the need for the Department to make its position absolutely clear.
Mr. Briggs makes the further point, which appears to follow logically, that assignments of munitions should be cleared by the missions as well as by the Department. If the attached letters and memorandum are approved and Mr. Briggs’ view is accepted by the higher officers of the Department, it is suggested that one officer in the Department be assigned to the work of making sure that all requests for material for the armed forces of the other American republics, whether under Lend-Lease or for cash purchase, are properly cleared.
It is further suggested that the Department may wish, in view of the changed strategic situation, to re-examine the relationship between the chiefs of diplomatic mission and the United States Naval and Military Missions in the other American republics. This question is raised by Mr. Briggs in his despatch no. 168 of July 28,14 in connection with the allocation of six training planes to the Dominican Republic, of which he learned only when the planes were about to be delivered.