740.21112 RP/48: Telegram
The Ambassador in Colombia (Lane) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:20 p.m.]
393. See my A–178, February 26, noon. This morning Folsom, Rubin96 and I had meeting with Minister of Education who has been designated by Acting President Echandía to deal with replacement [Page 839] program. Dr. Rocha said that as Minister of Hacienda and Minister of Public Health97 are leaving office next week to enter presidential campaign administrative action with regard to nationalization of German drug industry probably cannot take place until early April. On the return of Derby98 from Mexico City however Dr. Rocha indicated willingness to discuss matter with him and it was suggested by me that Folsom and Rubin stop in Bogotá on their return trip from Chile to acquaint themselves more fully with situation.
Dr. Rocha made it clear that because of the political situation no constructive steps may be expected for some weeks.
Rocha said that the question of replacement program would have to be submitted to the National Defense Commission prior to administrative action being taken by the Minister of Hacienda.