103.9169 Bogotá: Telegram
The Chargé in Colombia (Daniels) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 6—9 a.m.]
849. For FEA. Department’s telegram 583, April 29, 5 p.m. and 600, May 3.67 In spite of simplification program already in effect third quarter import recommendation applications now total more than 12,000 with returns yet incomplete. This is considerably greater than any previous quarter since the establishment of the Decentralization [Page 827] Plan. A difficult personnel program has developed for handling this large volume. It will not be practicable to effect quota distributions on the basis of provisional figures equivalent to second quarter amounts. If definite third quarter quotas can reach the mission by June 1 little time will be lost. It is urged however that an indication be telegraphed at once of probable categories to be eliminated from decentralization procedure on July 1 so that processing of the corresponding import recommendations may be postponed awaiting your official confirmation.
- Latter not printed.↩