832.61333/10–144: Telegram
The Chargé in Brazil (Donnelly) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 1—2:07 p.m.]
3535. The Minister of Finance Arthur de Souza Costa gave the following official statement concerning coffee to the Brazilian press and the foreign news agencies today Sunday afternoon.
“When I was in the United States in July of this year I declared that the Brazilian Government through the intermediary of the [Page 638] National Coffee Department would take the necessary steps to make available to the American coffee trade, through the normal commercial channels and within ceiling prices prevailing in the United States, 1,000,000 bags of coffee during each of the months of September, October, November, and December of this year, independent of quantities already acquired by the American armed forces. The American authorities were of the opinion that with this program the civilian supply of coffee of the United States would be guaranteed. The Brazilian Government has taken all measures necessary for the execution of this program which is being rigorously fulfilled.
I may add that the exportation of Brazilian coffee to the United States during the quota year which terminated yesterday September 30th was in excess of 10,500,000 bags, a new record in our shipments to the United States.”