
The Assistant Secretary of War for Air (Lovett) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Berle)

Dear Mr. Berle: With reference to your letter of March 24 on the subject of the Brazilian request for the assignment of some 3500 trucks, the matter has been placed before the proper authorities in the War Department including both the International Division, Army Service Forces and the Operations Division, War Department General Staff.

I am today in receipt of a reply indicating that, while the shortage of trucks is very acute at this time for special reasons with which you are familiar, the appropriate agencies of the War Department recognize the importance of this matter in connection with discussions regarding military aircraft rights in Brazil. Accordingly, they have recommended to the Munitions Assignment Board that 3500 reconditioned trucks be released to Brazil over a period of time depending upon availability and shipping.

After investigation of the matter I believe that this is the quickest and most positive means of assistance that can be given at this time.

Very sincerely yours,

Robert A. Lovett