Memorandum by Mr. James H. Wright, Assistant to the Director, Office of American Republic Affairs7
I refer to the conversation Mr. Halle8 and I had with Colonel Pacheco9 of the Bolivian Embassy, as summarized in the attached memorandum of October 31.10
[Page 511]NWC11 feels it would be desirable for Bolivia to receive some portion of the Lend-Lease materials for which application has been made. It is especially desirable that at least several airplanes, preferably transports designed for operation at Bolivian altitude, be made available if justification for doing so can be found under the Lend-Lease policy. Consequently, it is believed that it would be advisable for the Department’s representative at such meetings of the military authorities as will be held to pass on the Bolivian application for C–47’s, to express the desirability of providing some of these planes, if such provision can be justified under Lend-Lease in the estimation of the military authorities.
- Addressed to Joseph E. Johnson, Assistant Chief in Charge of the Inter-American Section, Division of American Republics Analysis and Liaison; Philip O. Chalmers, Assistant Chief, Division of Brazilian Affairs; and Francis G. Jarvis, Aviation Division. All indicated approval.↩
- Louis J. Halle, Division of Northwest Coast Affairs.↩
- Lt. Col. Alfredo Pacheco, Bolivian Military and Air Attaché.↩
- Not printed; the memorandum is filed under 824.24/10–3144.↩
- Division of Northwest Coast Affairs.↩