824.01/939a: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Argentina and Bolivia 5
In connection with the proposed recognition of Bolivia if this is the consensus of the other American governments (see Department’s circular telegram of June 17, 8 p.m. [noon]), this Government suggests that in order to accent the united character of the action of the interested governments in dealing with the Bolivian situation each government incorporate in whatever public announcement is made of its action a statement to the effect that its decision followed upon full consultations with the other interested republics, in accord with the pertinent recommendations of the Committee for Political Defense at Montevideo; and that each government notify the Committee of its [Page 469] action. Upon receipt of these communications from the governments, the Committee could be expected to adopt a resolution applauding the solidary character and happy result of the proceedings, and extending to Bolivia a welcome on the hemispheric level which only the Committee is competent to convey. You may inform the Foreign Minister of the country to which you are accredited that we attach considerable significance to this feature of the concluding ceremonies and invite his earnest consideration of it. Please report his views.
- Repeated for their information to the Embassies in Argentina and Bolivia.↩