835.76/8–1144: Airgram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Argentina (Reed)
A–849. The Department has noted with interest the apparent intentions of Argentine regime indicated in your airgram A–649, August 11, 10 a.m., to strengthen its radio propaganda directed to the [Page 408] other American republics through the use of transmitters belonging to Transradio Internacional. It is observed that Transradio officials intend to refuse request for use of these transmitters “if this can be done without antagonizing government”.
It is assumed that Transradio representatives brought this situation to Embassy’s attention not only for its information but with a view to eliciting some indication of our attitude in the premises. The Department recognizes that Transradio’s refusal to rent these transmitters is more than likely to “antagonize” the Argentine authorities. It cannot, however, for this reason be placed in the position of approving anything resembling voluntary cooperation with the present regime, in an undertaking obviously intended to confuse the Argentine issue in the minds of people throughout America and thereby to undermine the unity of purpose of the other American republics. It is appreciated that the Argentine authorities can requisition these facilities if they see fit to do so, but it would not seem likely that they would carry the matter to such an extreme, particularly in view of the recent apparent relaxation of confiscatory proceedings against foreign holdings in Argentina. In any event, however, we are not prepared to approve dealings of this kind with the present Argentine regime.
You are requested to bring the foregoing to the attention of the proper American representatives on Transradio Internacional. It is noted that you have already given advance warning to IT&T against the possibility that the Argentine authorities may go elsewhere if Transradio refuses to rent its transmitters.