710 Consultation (3)A/9–1344: Telegram
The Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 13—2:30 p.m.]
866. Following is text of Committee’s press release as published in today’s papers.
“At the regular session held today, Tuesday, September 12 the Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense resolved:
- First, to declare that for reasons of elementary courtesy the Committee would have preferred to wait before publishing the communication which it resolved at its previous ordinary session of September 573 to transmit to the American Governments and to the Pan American Union until the document had been received by them. However since a part of the communication has already been made known, the Committee considers that it should publish the complete text in order that the true purpose of the document may be understood. This purpose was limited to that of placing before the governments and the Pan American Union the peculiar situation existing in the Committee by reason of the divergent Argentine policy with respect to the objectives of the Committee.
- Second, to transmit to the Pan American Union for appropriate action the note sent to the Committee by the Argentine Government stating ‘that it withdraws its delegation from the Committee’.
- Third, to state specifically that the communication mentioned in the first paragraph was approved at the session of September 6, by individual [Page 25] vote at the express request of Señor Chiappe who was acting as Argentine member and in his presence and that the session was closed without a recess being declared. As is customary the above-mentioned communication was referred to a special subcommittee in order that certain modifications of language approved at the session might be made. In accordance with the practice which has always been followed this did not require a new vote on the text at a subsequent meeting and no such meeting took place.
- Fourth, to make clear with regard to Señor Chiappe’s trip to Buenos Aires that it was undertaken on his own spontaneous initiative and that of course none of the members of the Committee had any observation to make in this connection.”
Chiappe made following statement to press:
“The description of the events which occurred in the Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense which appears in the release of September 9 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of my country is what I, adhering strictly to the facts, transmitted to my Government.”
- For text of this communication, see Second Annual Report, p. 97.↩