740.0011 E. W./8–344: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

6191. Following is official Hansard text of passage concerning Argentina and post-war policy towards neutrals which Mr. Churchill included in his speech in House of Commons yesterday:

“In the Mediterranean theater of war I mentioned that we have recently had the satisfaction of welcoming as our comrades in arms [Page 338] a finely equipped expeditionary force from Brazil, and there are more legions to come from this great land which for a long time has been rendering valuable war service to the Allied cause both in the air and on the sea. As an Englishman, I may be pardoned at this moment for thinking of another South American country with which we have had close ties of friendship and mutual interest since her birth to liberty and independence. I refer to Argentina. We all feel deep regret and also anxiety as friends of Argentina that in this testing time for nations she has not seen fit to declare herself wholeheartedly, unmistakably and with no reserve or qualification upon the side of freedom and has chosen to dally with the evil, and not only with the evil but with the losing side. I trust that my remarks will be noted, because this is a very serious war. It is not like some small wars in the past where all could be forgotten and forgiven. Nations must be judged by the part they play. Not only belligerents but neutrals will fold that their position in the world cannot remain entirely unaffected by the part they have chosen to play in the crisis of the war.”
